The dogs exhibition has opened at the SA museum, with 5 of our films showing the human side of the story - the special bond people share with their dogs.

The exhibition shows a diversity of dog breeds from the inside out, and also touches on some of the ethical concerns of dog breeding. The question is raised, what responsibility do people have if they start designing their own desired breed of dog?

“It’s showing how we’ve interreacted with dogs and helped them become our best friend, from early domestication and how that occurred, through to the diverse range we’ve got now. You also find out that there are certain dog breeds that have died out because of modernisation – there used to be a breed of dogs that turned the meat on a spit. Once that got mechanised, no one needed them anymore, so they don’t exist!” Rowan Moore, 3d design officer SAM.

According to Walter Marsh at the Adelaide Review, ‘All of which goes to show that while dogs may be man’s best friend, perhaps we haven’t always been theirs’.
