Sieh has recently returned from the Afar region of Ethiopia, where he was travelling with long time friends and the stars of one of his first ever films, Barefoot in Ethiopia. The initial film followed a courageous young brother/sister team, Aidan and Kyra Glasby as they struggled with the reality of setting up their own aid organisation in the middle of the desert. Since then the organisation has continued to be a big inspiration to us both. Aidan and Kyra have returned each year for 15 years now, always with assorted children and dedicated family members on board - This year it was Aidan and his partner Lexi, baby Aila and year 12 student, Bianca.

Barefoot initiative focus on community driven incremental change. The region still faces immense challenges, including years of drought and a recent outbreak of cholera. The initial water cart designs featured in our doco 10 years ago have been refined and the new design has proven to be bullet proof. This trip a number of the carts were distributed to blind and disabled community members. The key focus was however checking in on the nursing students the team sponsor. The student project has been running since 2010 and the benefits from early graduates are already starting to flow into the community. Follow Barefoot Initiative on Instagram, or pay their website a visit.